Aquatics for All

Out to Swim Scholarship Fund and Graham Perlman Fund


1.1.  Out to Swim (‘OTS’) aims to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment to all its members.

1.2.  Recognising the diversity of its membership, the OTS Scholarship Fund (OTSSF) aims to address financial barriers which might prevent individuals from joining the club or hinder the active participation of all its members.

1.3.  All members are encouraged to participate in swimming, water polo and artistic swimming

competitions as a means of furthering team spirit, advancing individual aquatic sports skills and fostering personal growth.

1.4. The OTSSF exists to support all members. In particular it offers grants to:

1.4.1.  subsidise the cost of individuals attending competitions as part of the OTS Team; and

1.4.2.  subsidise or waive OTS membership fees.

1.5.  The Graham Perlman Fund exists to promote the participation of swimmers with HIV.

1.6.  OTS are very grateful for the bequest made by Graham Perlman, which is specifically intended "to provide financial support for swimmers with HIV who would otherwise have financial difficulty in swimming with the Club or taking part in the Club's activities".

1.7.  Graham was a keen member of OTS from the early 1990’s until his untimely death in 2007. He is remembered by many swimmers for mentoring them at their first competitions.