Out To Swim

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Let the taper begin!

This week, we start to taper. There are 21 swimmers representing the club at the European Masters 25th -29th of May.

We wish them all the very best of luck!

The taper will mean that sessions will still be challenging but focusing on getting all swimmers ready to compete. You will find that there will be a bit more rest during sets and you will be doing more specific work on No.1 and more scull and drill work to get a real feel of the water.

We hope to be able to have Blocks out for start practice on Saturday and Sunday at QM but we can't promise this as we have no control on what the pools will allow. If we can't use blocks we will still do some dive practice.

Sunday swimmers will work on Turns and transitions.

Remember there are 11 pool sessions a week and depending on what lane you swim in you should be mixing up when you attend sessions to get a good overall swim.

Have a good week of swimming.

Head Coach